Olympia Parkway Improvements
M&S Engineering provided design, construction documents, bid and construction phase services for this roadway improvement project.
The project area consisted of Olympia Parkway from IH 35 to the Universal City Limits and several other neighborhood streets. The improvements consisted of sidewalks, bike lanes, intersection/traffic signal improvements (at Medusa), landscaping, signing, pavement markings and striping. M&S Engineering’s work effort included traffic control plans, TxDOT coordination and cost estimates. M&S Engineering provided design surveying and apparent ROW locations. The existing right-of-ways contained numerous above and below ground utilities. A Quality Level C utility map of utilities was prepared that included water, electric (OH/UG), telephone (OH/UG), cable-TV and sanitary sewer.
Quality Level A (potholing) was also provided to locate a large water main so it would not be damaged during construction of the traffic poles. The work required coordination with several utility companies, the Forum Shopping Center, and the City of Selma to determine the project area for a City of Selma new traffic signal at the Medusa intersection. Lee Engineering provided Traffic Engineering services as a sub-consultant.