
Substation · Utilities

Lubbock Power & Light

Executed concurrently, these projects consisted of equipment upgrades to four different substations; Chalker, CO-OP, MacKenzie, and McDonald; for Lubbock Power & Light.
The improvements varied between stations, but primarily included replacements of older 69kV OCB’s with new 2000A 69kV SF6 gas breakers and removal of old electromechanical relays and installation of new digital protective relay panels. The scope of work also included removal of old relay panels associated with the LP&L power transformers and installation of new digital protective relay panels. The 69kV disconnects and three phase gang operated switches, associated with the breakers, were also replaced with 2000A devices. M&S Engineering completed all the design and drawings necessary for these station upgrades and included new relay settings for the digital protective relay panels.

At the McDonald facility the T1 345/138kV Autotransformer was replaced with a larger capacity unit and the electromechanical protective relaying was removed and replaced with a new digital relay panels.

At the CO-OP station there was a new digital 69kV Bus Differential panel install.

This is the start of a Successful Relationship


Focused on Developing Relationships

This partnership we have forged will launch our District well into the future. With a supportive Board we have focused on developing relationships that bond us with our consultants as partners rather than tools that we use. We feel that we have a very symbiotic relationship with our team at M&S.

Mike Taylor
Crystal Clear Special Utility District - General Manager

M&S Engineering

Mike Taylor
Crystal Clear Special Utility District - General Manager

This partnership we have forged will launch our District well into the future. With a supportive Board we have focused on developing relationships that bond us with our consultants as partners rather than tools that we use. We feel that we have a very symbiotic relationship with our team at M&S.

Project Coordination Heroes

M&S is one of the most responsive firms that I have worked with, which improves our project coordination process.

Tim S. Gescheidle,

M&S Engineering

Tim S. Gescheidle,

M&S is one of the most responsive firms that I have worked with, which improves our project coordination process.

True Partners

The staff at M&S has been fundamental in building the CIP for Crystal Clear SUD and in guiding the board of directors in all aspects of the overall concepts utilized.  They have been able to explain things in manageable segments that have assured understanding at all director experience levels.  We greatly appreciate their professionalism and true partnership with the Crystal Clear organization.

Donald Bosworth ,
Crystal Clear Special Utility District - Board President

M&S Engineering

Donald Bosworth ,
Crystal Clear Special Utility District - Board President

The staff at M&S has been fundamental in building the CIP for Crystal Clear SUD and in guiding the board of directors in all aspects of the overall concepts utilized.  They have been able to explain things in manageable segments that have assured understanding at all director experience levels.  We greatly appreciate their professionalism and true partnership with the Crystal Clear organization.
M&S Engineering