CIP Street/Drainage Improvements
Also included in this project was a hydraulic adequacy analysis of the existing drainage system, which M&S provided with in-house resources. Storm water improvements including culverts, storm sewers and ditches were recommended and adopted based upon the results of this analysis. Revisions due to these recommendations resulted in $230,000 project savings.
Our team was responsible for securing all necessary easements, and developing grading and pavement sections based on geotechnical data which was gathered by PSI in a sub-consulting role. M&S provided all construction drawings including road design, plan and profile, as-built drawings, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), proposed grades, call-outs, and more. By coordinating with City Staff to solicit bids from qualified contractors, we oversaw the bidding process including the pre-bid meeting and public opening. M&S made recommendations for award which were adopted by the City. During the construction phase, M&S performed construction management and inspected work being performed by contractors. Recommendations of final acceptance to City officials were made and as-built drawings were provided. M&S also performed detailed
boundary and topographical surveys before, during, and after construction with in-house personnel.